Rep. Vikki Goodwin - The Stewardship Amendment
Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.
The Stewardship Amendment:
Places our rights to a clean and healthy environment legally on par with our most treasured freedoms such as free speech and freedom of religion.
Although we all need clean air and clean water to thrive, Texans do not currently have an established right to a clean and healthy environment.
The connection between Texans’ health and the state of our environment is undeniable. Subpar water and air quality not only jeopardize our health but also contribute to chronic conditions such as asthma, cancer, and neurological diseases.
To ensure Texans right to a clean and healthy environment is protected.
To give Texans the tools they need to stand up for their right to clean air, usable soil, drinkable water, and accessible recreation.
Calls for a vote on a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a right to a clean and healthy environment.
Ensures the public has a right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the environment.
States this right is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal to other protected rights of liberty.
Public natural resources are common property of all persons, including future generations.
All branches of the state government, each state agency, and political subdivision shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state's public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.
Laws may not be enacted to hamper, restrict, or impair the public's right to a clean and healthy environment.
Fiscal Impact:
None Anticipated