Sip and Tell!
Vikki Goodwin lives in and represents Austin, but her focus is on helping all Texans! As you enjoy your mug of coffee or tea, please share a photo and a story to let us know something about you and/or what concerns you want us to address.

From Algebra II Advanced at Allen High School - Women’s rights - including the right to our own body, LBGTQIA+ rights (I’m the GSA sponsor at my school), immigrant rights, healthcare, education, and teachers’ rights and pay. I’m against banning books.

I support Vikki 100% and my top issues are environmental and gun safety.

Civil rights for all.

Concerned about polarization, women’s rights (abortion), global warming, gerrymandering, ERCOT fragility, voting rights, civil forfeiture abuse, and more.

I am a native Texan, grew up in Lubbock but have lived in Austin for 59 years. Reproductive freedom , LBGTQ rights, and support of public schools are important to me.

I’m a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Rep. Goodwin is a terrific partner in our mission to reduce gun violence in Texas.

ERA platform supporters, gun violence prevention legislation/safer gun sense laws, women's rights (prochoice), and legalizing Marijuana are particularly important for me (especially as a Crohn's patient).

I am the Texas Chapter Leader for Moms Demand Action and we love Rep. Goodwin’s fight for gun safety laws!

Women’s issues are very important to me, as we have 2 daughters. Immigration is also a big one for me. I’m tired of having a Governor that wants to kill and maim immigrants. It’s immoral and my money should not be used for that.

I’m here to make sure y’all see the oil and gas pollution that is normally invisible. Vikki saw it with me in Pecos, TX.

I'm a part-time graphic designer and full-time PTA mom in Southwest Austin. For me, the most important issues this year will be providing more funds for our schools and supporting rights for women and the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm a moderate Democrat living in a state where I feel my views aren't represented.

I’m a 68 year old retired TV journalist. Women’s reproductive freedom, gun safety/common sense gun laws & education are probably my top issues. Sure taxes are high but none of that really matters if it comes at the expense of these others. Texans deserve better, Vikki!

Fair voting, fair taxing, environmental protections, improved education for all

I am a retired public school teacher. I taught from 1984-2014. I saw public school get worse and not because of the staff, because of government. After 11/2016, I decided to learn about basic civics and encourage people to Get Out The Vote. Now I am a Precinct Recruitment and Training co chair for BCDP.

My name is Izaiah, and I am a senior sociology major attending Wiley University. An issue that is very important to me is LGBTQ+ rights. I believe that equity and equality are super important, and no matter what your race, ethnicity, or gender is, you should get the same opportunities as everyone else. I am a proud member of the community and will forever fight for what’s right.